From: November 22, 2023
“We have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay” (1 Peter 1:4 NLT).
Today’s uncertain economy causes many to worry about their future retirement. What we invest in our 401K does not have guaranteed returns. But what we invest in God’s Kingdom is guaranteed by God Himself. More than that, when we trust Jesus for salvation, we ourselves are being protected by God’s power until His return.
Let us therefore keep our focus on heaven where the world’s stock markets and interest rates have no effect. For we are co-inheritors with Christ and our future is secure in Him.
As C.T. Studd said, “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
PRAYER: Dear Father, we give our worries and cares about tomorrow to You. For You alone know and control the future. We will trust You and look to You for all things today. Thank You for the certainty of our future with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
From: November 22, 2022
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, have you learned the art of being truly glad? The apostle Peter knew this gladness. In this one verse, he shared his spiritual secret of happiness.
First, focus on the “wonderful joy ahead.” For we have a priceless inheritance being kept for us in heaven, and not only that, but we ourselves are presently being kept by God’s power until the Day. The first secret of happiness is to have something to look forward to, something wonderful. We have that in Christ Jesus.
Second, recognize that there will be trials that we must endure in this life. Don’t let this surprise you nor cause you to question your faith. For these trials will actually serve the purpose of proving your faith genuine.The second secret of happiness is having something to do, having a purpose in life.
And besides, these trials will only last a “little while.” Trials are temporary and will soon end. But eternity awaits and our time with Jesus will never end!
PRAYER: Dear Father, as we lift our eyes to You today we are filled with the joy of the Lord. We choose to focus our sight on You and the reward that is in Your hand. We trust that even these temporary trials will work together for our good as You continue to conform us to the image of Your Son. You have made us truly glad. Fill us afresh with the second attribute of the fruit of the Spirit, which is divine joy! In Jesus’ name, amen.
From: November 22, 2016
As God first told Aaron (Num.18:20), He now repeats to Ezekiel concerning His priests, “I am their inheritance. I am their possession.” Certainly, this instruction is a reminder that the tribe of Levi would not receive an allotment in the Promised Land as the other tribes, but that their portion would be the Lord Himself, along with the tithes and offerings brought to Him. However, one cannot help but see the foreshadowing of those who have become a “royal priesthood” in Christ. As the apostle Peter wrote, “you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9). We are the Lord’s “own possession” and He is ours! Whatever belongs to Christ, belongs to you!
From: November 22, 2015
What are these “things” which angels seek to understand? Aren’t they the same “things” that the Old Testament prophets sought to know? The apostle Peter said that these “things” are the very facts of the gospel of Christ which were seen and heard by the apostles and preached to us who believe. The Spirit revealed the day of Christ to the prophets, yet even though they longed to see it for themselves, they came to understand that they were given a message about a future hope. Jesus described how these prophets must have felt when He spoke of how Abraham “rejoiced” to see the day of Christ’s coming (John 8:56). We now live on the other side of the “things” which the prophets and angels desired to see. The day of Christ’s salvation has already come. And we are the recipients of these “things.” Yet the angels, even though they witnessed the day of Christ, still “desire to look into” it. For they stand outside the work of redemption, in that it was not for them, but for humanity. They stare in wonder at this salvation which is so full of glory and beautiful mystery that the Son of God would endure such “things” to save us.
From: November 22, 2014
Psalm 119 is the longest in the Psalms. For those who remember “Bible drills,” it lies near the middle of the Bible. It is an acrostic poem based on the 22-letter Hebrew alphabet and a meditation on the Scriptures themselves. In this verse, the Psalmist prays that God would open his eyes to understand the “wonderful truths” of God’s Word. This should be the prayer that every believer prays before opening the Word, because it is not just any book, it is God’s book. And therefore, God’s illumination is needed. Do you pray for God’s help before reading God’s Word?