35 results found

Fresh Family

January 24, 2016 | Ephesians 5:22 - 6:4 | beginnings, family

The apostle Paul told the Ephesians that it was God’s plan to bring everything into submission under Christ, so that everything in heaven and earth are united in Him (Eph. 1:10). It is in Christ that all things are made new! He then laid out the implications of how this new life in Christ would impact every facet of our lives, including the roles of the Christian family. We can experience this this new life in our families by being united in Christ and submitting to God’s plan for the family.

Fresh Relationships

January 17, 2016 | Philippians 2:1-5 | beginnings, family, relationships

It can be difficult to have good lifelong relationships with family, with co-workers, and even with friends. Many of our relationships end in quarrel or just dissolve in indifference. God shows us through the cross that His relationship to us is selfless, unconditionally loving, and full of mercy and grace. He commissions us to do the same with others.

In the apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, he taught them that they could experience the joy of right relationships through knowing Christ. This is the secret. We need Jesus to give us peace within, before we can have peace with others. We can experience the joy of right relationships with others through Christ.

Books I’ve recently recommended…

September 17, 2015 | books, Christian, Christian parenting, family, Gary Combs, God, jesus, marriage, recommended books

“Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh” (Ecclesiastes 12:12 ESV). While I know that I am at risk of going against Solomon’s advice and recommending too many books, I would like to list several in response to the many requests I have received. These are all books that I

Conflict: Resolving Family Differences to Find Real Unity

August 9, 2015 | Ephesians 4:25-32 | family

Pastor Gary Combs continued the sermon series “Faith and Family,” with this message from Ephesians about resolving conflict and restoring unity. In Ephesians, the apostle Paul told them that they could turn conflict into unity and understanding through the power of Christ’s forgiveness and love. We can resolve the conflicts in our relationships and restore true unity and understanding through Christ’s power of love and forgiveness.

Communication: Overcoming the Biggest Challenge for Most Families

August 2, 2015 | James 1:19-21 | family

Pastor Gary Combs continues the sermon series “Faith and Family” with this message from James 1:19-21 on communication. In the epistle of James, he told believers how to communicate with one another in a way that pleased God. With Christ’s help, we can hear and follow God’s instruction on how to communicate with one another in a way that pleases Him and results in the righteousness and oneness in our relationships that God desires.

How to Live Out a Faithful Marriage

July 26, 2015 | Ephesians 5:22-23 | family, marriage

Mike Laramee continues the sermon series “Faith and Family” with this message from Ephesians 5:22-33. In this message God’s design for marriage is discussed including descriptions of the biblical roles for husbands and wives.

Having Faith as a Foundation for Your Family

July 19, 2015 | Genesis 2:18-25 | family

In this introductory sermon to our Faith and Family series, Pastor Gary shows us how God designed the family from the very beginning to be under his authority, to pursue his purposes, and to be soaked in his grace. We must follow our Creator’s blueprint for the family, but also receive his grace as none of us are perfect parents, siblings, children or spouses.

Reset Your Relationships

January 11, 2015 | Ephesians 4:25-32 | beginnings, family

Pastor Gary Combs continued the “Reset” sermon series with this message from Ephesians 4:25-32 entitled “Reset Your Relationships.” Do you struggle with how to handle conflict? Uncontrolled anger? Do you have an unreconciled relationship? This message addresses how to find and grant forgiveness, how to handle anger and conflict, and how to reconcile.

Tattoos, tribes and true community

October 3, 2014 | Christ, church, community, family, fellowship, Gary Combs, God, jesus

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42 (ESV) What makes a true community? People use the word community to describe all sorts of social groups. But what constitutes a “true” (real, authentic, fully realized) community? If we are born into the same race or family, does

Behaving as God’s Household

March 9, 2014 | 1 Timothy 3:1-16 | exposition, family

As we continue through the book of 1 Timothy, Pastor Gary helps us understand the qualifications of those who lead the church. Paul gave instructions to those who oversee, serve and support the church.