“Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts” (Psalm 90:12 HCSB).


Have you ever heard of the “Urgent-Important Matrix?” It is a time management system made popular by Stephen Covey’s book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.” The matrix teaches that every task can be placed in one of four possible quadrants: Q1) Urgent and important, Q2) Important, not urgent, Q3) Urgent, not important, and Q4) Not urgent, not important. The basic idea is that we should focus our time only on “Q1” tasks and activities, so that we don’t waste our time.
The Book of Proverbs taught this principle long before Covey made it popular. Understanding that our days are numbered can motivate us to live life with a sense of urgent-importance. “Urgent” because putting it off until tomorrow means eventually running out of tomorrows. And “important” because we often fill our days with unimportant things. If the Lord has put it on your heart today, then do it now! Prayerfully consider what is most important, then focus on those things every day. This is not a morbid state of mind, being aware of your limited days. This is wisdom, not wasting the time God has given you on planet earth. Don’t waste your life!
PRAYER: Dear Father, teach us to number our days, so we have a heart of wisdom. We don’t want to waste the time You have given us. Yet, what we may judge urgent or important might not line up with Your priorities. Therefore teach us to call those things that You deem “urgent and important” as priorities for us too. Strengthen us to do them according to Your timing. In Jesus’ name, amen.