“Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail” (Luke 22:31-32 HCSB).


The Lord addressed him as, “Simon, Simon,” not as “Peter,” for he wouldn’t live up to his new God-given name, which meant “the rock,” until after Christ’s resurrection. Simon Peter tried, but in his flesh he had no power to live up to the new name Jesus had given him. Christ repeated the name “Simon” twice, probably to emphasize both His tender affection as well as to make sure Peter was really listening.
Remember how an Angel of the LORD called out, “Abraham, Abraham,” to stay his hand from offering Isaac (Gen. 22:11)? Or how God called “Moses, Moses” from the burning bush to send him back to Egypt to deliver his people (Ex. 3:4)? Or how Jesus said, “Martha, Martha,” to help her choose what is best (Luke 10:41)? Jesus did the same here with Simon Peter. He needed his undivided attention.
Jesus was already shifting from His physical role as the Shepherd protecting Peter and the disciples, to His role as Advocate, praying and representing them before the Father (1 John 2:1). Jesus was preparing Peter for the trial and temptation that awaited him and the disciples. For Satan had asked to “sift” Simon Peter, just as he had Job, to test whether he truly had the “wheat” of faith, or was merely voicing the bravado of the “chaff” of the flesh. That Jesus was so mindful of Peter and His disciples on the eve of His crucifixion shows both His great love for them as well as His divine plan to see them carry the gospel to the nations.
Have you heard the Lord repeat your name? Then listen carefully to His voice.
PRAYER: Dear Father, that You know us by name is wonderful to us. But that You care enough to repeat our names, like a mother or a father does to get their young child’s attention, is even more amazing. Help us to listen when You call us. And strengthen us to obey what You say. In Jesus’ name, amen.