The DNA of Real Community

The DNA of Real Community

In this four part series, we studied the four devotions of the early church found in Acts 2:42. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, we seek to do church the way they did it at the beginning. We devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer through our Community Groups.

DNA: A Common Pursuit

September 16, 2012 | Acts 2:42-47 | community, prayer

Pastor Gary Combs concludes the sermon series “The DNA of Real Community” based on Acts 2:42-47. This message focuses on the fourth strand of “DNA,” which is the practice of praying together. This first century practice of the early church was one of its four devotions. When we pray together as the early Christians did, we are able to see the miraculous power of Christ moving in our midst.

DNA: A Common Practice

September 9, 2012 | Acts 2:42-47 | community, food

Pastor Gary Combs continues the sermon series “The DNA of Real Community” based on Acts 2:42-47. This message focuses on the third strand of “DNA,” which is the practice of breaking bread together. This first century practice of the early church was one of its four devotions. When we break bread together as the early Christians did, we are able to see the hands of Christ, the grace of Christ and the body of Christ in our gathering.

DNA: A Common Identity

September 2, 2012 | Acts 2:42-47 | community

Pastor Gary Combs continues the series “The DNA of Real Community” with this sermon about the second “devotion” of the early church, “the fellowship.” The Greek word for fellowship is koinonia. This is more than just a get-together. This is about the common identity that believers share as members of Christ’s family.

DNA: A Common Belief

August 26, 2012 | Acts 2:42-47 | community

Pastor Gary Combs begins a new series entitled “The DNA of Real Community” with this message from Acts 2:42-47 about the first century Christians devotion to a “common belief” in the apostle’s teaching. This message teaches the importance of having a commitment and devotion to God’s Word as the foundation for a true Christian community of believers.