Matthew 20

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Serve to Lead

January 28, 2024 | Matthew 20:25-28

We live in a day when many of us are drifting along without a guiding purpose in life. Or we’ve bought into the culture’s idea that happiness and fulfillment come from self gratification, of owning material things and having exciting experiences. Yet we still come up feeling empty and unfulfilled. Or we think that being successful, or being the greatest at something will fulfill us. But as many who have achieved worldly success have said, “It’s lonely at the top.” Because they left behind family or stepped on or over friends while climbing the so-called ladder of success. So how do find our purpose? How do we find ourselves?

Jesus says that the way to greatness, the way to leadership, is serving others. Jesus calls us to be servant leaders. In the book of Matthew, the mother of James and John asked Jesus to give her sons seats of authority in His kingdom. Jesus answered that leadership in His kingdom meant first becoming a servant. We can follow Christ’s call to servant leadership.

Contribute to God’s Kingdom

October 18, 2015 | Matthew 20:25-28 | discipleship, generosity, three commitments

In the book of Matthew, the mother of James and John asked Jesus for seats of authority for her sons on either side of Jesus. Jesus told her and all the disciples that following Him was not a call to be great in the way the world sees things. He said that the greatness they were called to was called servanthood. He told them to follow His example of service by being willing to contribute all that they had in serving God. Jesus gives us the same charge to be servants and contribute to His Kingdom. In today’s message we will see in God’s Word three commitments in order to contribute to His Kingdom.

Kingdoms Need Servants

August 31, 2014 | Matthew 20:25-28 | generosity, three commitments

In this conclusion to our “Simplify Your Life”, Mike Laramee helps us understand what it looks like to make an impact in the Kingdom of God – we must be humble, available, and faithful.

iCommit to Contribute to God’s Kingdom

August 19, 2012 | Matthew 20:25-28 | generosity, three commitments

Pastor Gary Combs concludes the 4-part series “iCommit” with this message from Matthew 20. In the book of Matthew, the mother of James and John asked Jesus for seats of authority for her sons on either side of Jesus. Jesus told her and all the disciples that following Him was not a call to be great in the way the world sees things. He said that the greatness they were called to was called servanthood. He told them to follow His example of service by being willing to contribute all that they had in serving God.

Make Life Matter

January 30, 2011 | Matthew 20:25-28

Pastor Gary Combs concludes the “Simplify Life” series with this message from Matthew 20:25-28 where Jesus teaches the new and radical economy in the Kingdom of Heaven, where the first shall be last and the last shall be first. What is this new economy? Serving and giving. That’s what makes life really matter, living a life of contribution.

One Focus

August 23, 2009 | Matthew 20:25-28 | three commitments

How do we get our focus back and sustain it? One way is by becoming an active contributor to God’s Kingdom. We follow King Jesus and pour out our lives like Him. Jesus was a giver. He was committed to making a complete contribution of all that he had and all that he was. We can make becoming like Him our “One Thing.”

In the book of Matthew, the mother of James and John asked Jesus for seats of authority for her sons on either side of Jesus. Jesus told her and all the disciples that following Him was not a call to be great in the way the world sees things. He said that the greatness they were called to was called servanthood. He told them to follow His example of service by being willing to contribute all that they had in serving God.