Judges 9

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April 28, 2023

‘When Jotham heard about this, he climbed to the top of Mount Gerizim and shouted, “Listen to me, citizens of Shechem! Listen to me if you want God to listen to you!”‘ (Judges 9:7 NLT). Jotham was the only surviving son of Gideon. All of his brothers had been murdered by their half-brother, Abimelech. Jotham

When Spoils Spoil Us

April 23, 2023 | Judges 8-9 | exposition

“Spoils” are the reward of having won a victory, as in the “spoils of war.” For in our study today, we’ll see how Gideon’s victory, his success, actually revealed a problem that he had, indeed that we all are apt to have, namely–– we often let success go to our heads. It’s one thing to trust God when we are in a season of lack or trouble. But what about when we’re going through a season of plenty, of prosperity?

In Judges 8-9, the Lord gave victory to Gideon and the Israelites over their Median oppressors, but they let the spoils of war spoil their relationship with God and with one another. They didn’t know how to handle God’s blessings. They let success spoil their hearts. What are the warning signs that success is spoiling our hearts?

“God also punished the men of Shechem for all their evil. So the curse of Jotham son of Gideon was fulfilled” (Judges 9:57 NLT).

April 29, 2019

WHAT WAS THE CURSE OF JOTHAM? Jotham was the only surviving son of the 70 sons of Gideon. Their half-brother, Abimelech, was born to a concubine of Gideon, who was from the city of Shechem. After Gideon’s death, Abimelech conspired with the inhabitants of Shechem to overthrow Gideon’s sons, and so he murdered all of

‘When Jotham heard about this, he climbed to the top of Mount Gerizim and shouted, “Listen to me, citizens of Shechem! Listen to me if you want God to listen to you!”‘ (Judges 9:7 NLT).

April 28, 2019

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SHECHEM’S SIN Jotham was the only surviving son of Gideon. All of his brothers had been murdered by their half-brother, Abimelech and Jotham had barely escaped with his life. Abimelech had conspired with his mother’s family who lived in the town of Shechem. Afterwards, the citizens of Shechem made him their king.