John 17

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Collaboration over Competition

July 3, 2022 | John 17:20-26 | collaboration

We live in a competitive and divided world today. The list of things that divide us has outgrown what might unite us. Aren’t you tired of the division? What would it look to see or be a part of a group of people who are united and willing to work together for a common purpose?

Did you know that one of the last prayers that Jesus prayed on earth was that we would be unified and willing to collaborate in proclaiming the gospel to the whole world? It’s true. He prayed it that night in the Garden. In the 17th chapter of the gospel of John, he recorded one of Christ’s final prayers for believers that the Father would make them one with Him and with one another, so that the world might believe in Him. We can recognize Christ’s prayer that we collaborate as one, so that the world might believe.

Send Me

October 25, 2020 | John 17:13-26 | prayer

This week, we’re going to learn to pray, “Lord, send me,” agreeing with the Lord’s prayer in John 17.

“Lead us” and “deliver us.” This closing part of the Lord’s Model Prayer is aimed at us. It requests both direction and protection. It closes with the purpose for which we live: His kingdom and His glory according to His power, Amen. It is that part of the Lord’s Model Prayer that sends us out into the world! In John 17, Jesus prayed that His disciples would be sent into the world just as the Father had sent Him into the world. We can pray in agreement with Christ’s prayer that we are sent just as He was sent.

The Habit of Selfless Service

October 26, 2014 | John 17:2-17 | discipleship, generosity

In this conclusion to our 7 Habits of Growing Christians sermon series, Pastor Jonathan Combs helps us understand why and how to build the habit of selfless service in our lives. Christ gave us the perfect example of selfless service, and it is through his power that we can serve others in this way.

About God

September 25, 2011 | John 17 | theology

Pastor Gary Combs begins a new message series entitled “Faith Foundations.” This series will cover the ten essentials of the Christian faith. This first message is taken from John 17 and will show why the study of God is beneficial.