“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see” (Hebrews 11:1 NLT).

Hebrews begins its eleventh chapter with a biblical definition of faith. Chapter eleven might be called the “Faith Hall of Fame.” For following its definition, examples of people living with biblical faith are listed. Yet before we think about this definition, we must clarify the kind of faith of which we speak. This is not faith as a passive noun describing one’s religion or untested belief. No, this is faith from the active sense, which means to trust, to believe, to be fully persuaded and assured. This is saving faith. This is obedient faith.

Having clarified the kind of faith, let us consider its biblical definition. First, faith is the “reality of what is hoped for.” The word “reality” might be understood to mean that which is the substance or firm foundation undergirding our hope. Our hope rests on the foundation of our “real” and certain faith.

Secondly, faith is the “proof of what is not seen.” We did not see the risen Lord Jesus, nor have we yet seen His glorious return. However, we have heard the eyewitness testimony of those who did see Him raised from the dead and we also have their testimony of His promise to return. Our confident faith in their testimony and especially in the testimony of the Holy Spirit, which “bears witness” (Rom. 8:16) within us, makes our faith a firm conviction. So our faith acts as proof or evidence for that which we have not yet seen with our physical eyes, but have surely seen with spiritual ones. Therefore this is not blind faith, as some have said, but assured faith.

Yet, the object of our faith is not faith. We do not have faith in faith! The object of our faith is Christ Jesus! For He is the “author and finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12:2). Do you have this firm foundation of faith?

PRAYER: Dear Father, our faith is in You and in Your Son, Jesus. For He has accomplished that which made our faith sure. Our hope of heaven is anchored in our faith in the Resurrected Jesus! Strengthen us by your Holy Spirit until our faith becomes sight. In Jesus’ name, amen.