“O God, we meditate on your unfailing love” (Psalm 48:9 NLT).


Biblical meditation is not an emptying of the mind as the Eastern religions teach. Rather, it is a focusing of the mind on God and His Word. Here, the Psalmist focused the thoughts of his mind on God’s character, namely, His “unfailing love.”
We are called to meditate on God’s character and God’s Word. Yet, we are so busy and our world is so loud and chaotic. And meditation requires quiet and focused reflection. Meditating is like chewing every bite of a meal, so that its flavor is savored and its nutrients fully digested.
The Hebrew word translated, “unfailing love,” is “chesed.” It describes the unconditional and covenantal love of God. Meditating on God’s unconditional love, we compare it to our own and grow in both understanding and desire.
Today as believers, we are able to meditate on God’s love with greater illumination and understanding. For we have God’s greatest expression of chesed love in the Lord Jesus Christ. As Jesus told Nicodemus, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” (Jn.3:16). The Greek word translated, “so loved,” is “agape.” It describes God’s kind of love, the kind of love that gives sacrificially. If the Old Testament word, chesed, expresses the promise of God’s covenantal love, then the New Testament’s agape expresses its fulfillment in Christ.
Let us meditate on this great love today. As the apostle John wrote, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us!” (1 John. 3:1).
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we give thanks for Your unfailing love, which sent Jesus to die for our sins that we might live eternally as Your children. Such love is difficult to fathom. It is higher, deeper, longer, and wider than any we can see in this world. We see glimpses of it in our family relationships, but Your love is the source even of it. We love You Lord because You first loved us. Help us grow in Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.