“And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach” (Mark 3:14 ESV).

Christ’s three-prong strategy for reaching the world with the gospel was: 1) Appoint disciples, 2) Call them to “be with Him,” and 3) “Send them out” to preach the gospel.

Notice that Christ’s first call was to Himself. And so, the Twelve followed Him day and night for three years. And after they witnessed the resurrected Lord and received the Holy Spirit, they preached the gospel that turned the world upside down. This simple strategy worked because they had first spent time with Jesus and were filled with His Spirit.

Jesus is still calling disciples to follow Him today. As Christ followers we are called to “be with Him” and we are sent “out to preach” the Good News about Him. Notice that one precedes the other. For our power for living the Christian life and telling others about Jesus comes from first spending time being with Jesus. Therefore let us remember our first calling by talking with Him now. Let’s pray.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we have decided to follow Jesus. Help us to know His presence now that we might be with Him. Instruct and strengthen us. Pour out Your Spirit upon us that we may walk by faith in Your Son throughout this day. In Jesus’ name, amen.