The Original Game of Thrones

Who is in control? We want to be in charge but sometimes fear, anxiety, or some other thing actually rules. What if there was a better way to live than always struggling for control? Come and hear how who we put on the throne changes everything. This series is an exposition of 1 Samuel

Raiders of the Lost Ark

February 23, 2020 | 1 Samuel 4:1-7:2 | exposition

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Since the beginning, humanity has continually struggled against God in a kind of game of thrones. Yet, when we reject the Lord as King and put ourselves on the throne, we experience much sorrow and defeat in life. But this sorrow can be God’s grace to lead us to follow Him and to give Him the glory that is due Him. That’s what happens to Israel in our sermon today. Both the priests and the people don’t give God the glory due Him, so that they are defeated by Philistine raiders, and the Ark, which represents the throne of God, is lost!

In the book of 1 Samuel 4:1-7:2, the LORD deposed the house of Eli and disciplined Israel so that they might learn to give God the glory that was due Him. We can learn to give God the glory that is due Him.

Hearing in a Deaf World

February 16, 2020 | 1 Samuel 2:12-4:1 | exposition

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Did you know that God wants to reveal Himself to you? He wants you to know Him. God isn’t hiding. That’s what we tend to do. Since the time of Adam and Eve, who hid from God when they sinned, humanity has had a tendency to hide. Are you hiding from God? He wants to reveal Himself to you, but you must come out of hiding to hear and know Him.

In our reading today, the name LORD or Yahweh appears 34 times. As we’ve said before, the Bible is primarily a book about God. God desires to reveal Himself to us through His Word.

In the book of 1 Samuel, the LORD called young Samuel to be His prophet, revealing Himself by His Word. We can recognize the LORD’s desire to reveal Himself to us by His Word.

Birth in a Barren Land

February 9, 2020 | 1 Samuel 1:1 - 2:11 | exposition

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When we try to take the throne of our own lives, trying to be in control, it always ends with a feeling of barrenness. We feel empty, fruitless, depleted, or broken. Perhaps, you feel this today. The things you do at work feel fruitless or unimportant. You feel depleted at home like you are losing the battle for your marriage or the battle for your children. Maybe you feel stuck, like you have no purpose. Maybe you feel abandoned or like you are fighting through life alone. And as you look to others for help and leadership, whether it’s politicians, priests, or preachers, you have often been disappointed. When we feel this pain it is hard to imagine that turning our lives over to God could make a difference.

More Blessed

Do you want to experience more happiness and contentment? Do you want to experience more joy? Do you want to be more blessed? In this series, we learn why Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

The Blessing of Being Generous with Our Treasure

February 2, 2020 | 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 |

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In the apostle Paul’s second letter to the church at Corinth, he taught them that the Lord abundantly blesses those who are generous with their treasure. We can believe that the Lord abundantly blesses us when we are generous with our treasure.