Why we’re changing our service time

“Christ makes the whole body grow as God wants it to, through support and unity” – Colossians 2:19 GW

Beginning Palm Sunday, March 25th, we will be changing our first worship service time to 9:15 AM. Our second service time will remain 11:00 AM.

Why are we changing our first service time?

First, we’re growing. Have you noticed how crowded it is between the first and second services? We need to have a little more time between services to let the first service exit, pick up their children, and leave the campus before the second service attenders start arriving. This will become especially important in the coming days as we add capacity to our children’s space with the completion of phase one in our master building plan. This additional children’s space will put more pressure on our adult worship space for seating. By adding an additional 15 minutes between services, it will give us time to seat the second service more efficiently. Because we’re going to need people to sit in every seat in the house as we grow and as we wait for further expansion of our building.

Second, we want to have more flexibility in our worship services. Currently, there is no flex time in our service to add a song, or a feature, or to go a little long in the sermon. We need a little more breathing room in our services. The additional 15 minutes will give us that room.

So, those are the two major reasons we’re changing the first service time. In the coming days, ministry teams should be hearing from their respective leaders to let them know how this service time change will affect them. Thank you in advance for understanding our need to flex as we grow and for your support and unity as we make such changes.



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