Not applauding “The View”

Theview “And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” (1 Kings 19:12 KJV).

I know I’m going to lose “man points” for this, but I watched ABC’s “The View” this morning. Now, before you judge me too harshly, hear me out. I had little choice, it was the only thing on the TV in the hospital waiting room.

While waiting over 30 minutes to get some lab work done,  I scanned the room desperately looking for a magazine or something to read. Nothing (unless you count Ladies Home Journal, and various other women’s mags). So, out of sheer boredom, I watched “The View.”

The setup for the show is a familiar one on TV these days. Introduce a current event or topic and let four or five people shout their opinions at each other until one of them yells loudest or tells the funniest joke. At which point the audience applauds.

The topic I heard was “Should married couples have secret bank accounts or separate bank accounts?”

Comic Joy Behar responded with her snappy delivery, “Well, if I want to splurge on an expensive lamp, I don’t want to have to ask my husband’s permission!” (Audience loudly applauds).

“My husband and I share one account. We discuss what we want to buy. It helps us…” Elisabeth Hasselbeck attempted to say before being drowned out by comments from the other three women.

To end this segment, Whoopi Goldberg summarized with an authorative tone, “Well, I think they should have three accounts. One for her, one for him, and one together.” (Audience applauds).

Having never watched this show (for this long) before, I think I understand it. Whoopi and Joy are the sharp witted, comics who get the laughs. Elisabeth is the token, sweet faced blond, who innocently offers old-fashioned opinions, and Barbara is the journalist keeping them on topic.

As entertainment, I guess I can see why some would enjoy it. But as thoughtful help for one’s marriage, family, finances, or life it’s worse than useless. It’s dreadfully inadequate.

Whether it’s talking heads on a so-called news show or shouting voices on the latest reality show, a multiplicity of opinions doesn’t reveal true wisdom. It really just tends to broadcast more foolishness. (To which the audience applauds).

The only “view” that I want to heed is God’s. His voice is quiet and wise. He has a lot to say about everything that concerns our lives. I’m not interested in following the loud voices of this culture. I don’t want what they have, so why should I listen to what they know?

I was glad when the nurse finally called my name and freed me from the waiting room.

As I left, I thought, “I want God’s “view.” I want His blueprint. So, I will listen to His still, small voice.” (Any applause?).

2 comments on “Not applauding “The View”

  1. Kim Smith

    (Clapping loudly!)
    You said it best, “I don’t want what they have, so why should I listen to what they know?” God does indeed offer a better alternative to the secular humanistic, politically correct “view” in this culture. We should pursue His way with gusto and then the world would be jealous for what we have… PEACE and victorious lives in Christ. Great post, Pastor G!

  2. Sabra

    Yeah! I definately don’t want what they have. Sometimes though I sure struggle with it because it screams so loud. Thanks for the reminder that God still speaks in a still small voice and His is the one i want to listen to.


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