Who gets the credit?

“For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen” (Matthew 6:13 KJV).

“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit” (President Harry Truman).

I’m a first born and as such, I’ve always struggled with wanting the lime light. I enjoy being the center of attention. I want the applause. I want the trophy.

We still have 8mm movies that my dad took when I was five years old. I’m the one doing the furious “Chubby Checker” twist while my toddler, younger brother, pats one foot while drinking his bottle. Even then, you can see my crazy drive to be out front in my dancing antics.

But there’s nothing like having three younger siblings to take some of the rhythm out of your spotlight loving ways. I was an only child for the first four years of life and then my parents conspired to destroy my solo act by adding two brothers and a sister. I had to learn to work with an ensemble. Not an easy feat for an aspiring superstar.

So, it became harder to be noticed. Babies are so much more adorable than hyper-active five year olds. On top of this an even more insidious realization took place — as the older brother I would still occasionally get the credit, but in the form of blame. I would get blamed for what I as the “older brother” should have been watching out for with my younger siblings.

Later, I’ve come to realize that if you want the credit, you have to be ready to take the blame too. That’s why one of my preaching professors in seminary taught us to give God the glory when people compliment our preaching.

“That way you can say ‘Glory to God’ whether they are bragging on you or cursing you.” He said.

Something else I’ve learned is that giving the credit to God frees me from looking for the applause of man. It frees me of looking for the fruit of my effort. Instead, I begin to look for God to work. I look for Him to speak. It sure takes away a lot of the pressure to perform.

That’s how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. He taught them to give God the credit. Give God the trophy. Give God the glory.

I can still dance a pretty good “Chubby Checker” twist (unless I get a cramp). But now, I’m learning to let God have the spotlight. Besides, I’d prefer that God’s firstborn receive the credit. I just want a crown so that I’ll have something to throw at His feet someday.

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