Traveling to see “uncle” Jesus

100_0755A couple of weekends ago my brother Barry, his wife Sabra, and their middle son, Jeremiah came to Wilson to visit us. They attended church with us and Barry sang at both services. Several of our WCCers wondered aloud on how much my brother looked like Jesus.

This was no accident. Barry has been playing the role of Jesus in the Roanoke Christmas Pageant since the late 80s. For years the members of the First Baptist Church of Roanoke have performed one of the most amazing musical productions of the birth, life, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus for their community. They describe it as their “Christmas gift to the Roanoke Valley.” Some years they have had as many as 20,000 people attend their production.

About three years ago after offering this “gift” every Christmas, they decided to take a break. It was unbelievably taxing to pull off such a huge production every year. Some members would work all year to prepare for the next season. Barry had been so committed that he would start growing his hair and beard in the Spring to be ready for the role by December.

This year they decided to bring the pageant back. It took a while for them to shake off the cobwebs. The people who used to build their elaborate set no longer attended FBC. Many of the actors and musicians had moved on too. They had to recruit new people for many of the roles.

Thank goodness my brother Barry was still available. With him they have a proven actor and vocalist who in my unbiased opinion could perform on any stage on Broadway. His speaking voice is clear and powerful. His singing range and tone are worldclass. His stage presence is profound and authentic.  Even though he is my little brother, he becomes Jesus to me within moments of the first scene.

I’ve seen Barry perform this role for many years. Traveling to Roanoke to see the pageant has been an annual tradition for us. Our kids have grown up seeing “Uncle Barry” play Jesus.

I’m glad that we got to see him play the role of Jesus again this past weekend. It was well worth the drive. And we got to introduce the tradition to our new daughter-in-laws, Caroline and Nicole.

Now they understand why our kids sometimes call him “Uncle Jesus.” It’s more than a play for my brother.

It’s a life’s calling.

One comment on “Traveling to see “uncle” Jesus

  1. Barry

    Thanks for the kind words and the “unbiased” opinion.

    Glory be to God, 172 people signed their decision card as first-time believers in Christ during the five (six w/ dress rehearsal) performances.

    If the Son of Man be lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself.


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