22 results found

Who loves more?

May 15, 2015 | Christ, forgiveness, fruit of the spirit, Gary Combs, God, jesus, love

“There was a certain creditor who had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both. Tell Me, therefore, which of them will love him more?” Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one whom he forgave more.” And He said to him, “You have

Bearing the Marks

May 10, 2015 | Galatians 5:19-25 | character, discipleship, fruit of the spirit

Pastor Gary Combs begins a 10-week sermon series based on Galatians 5:22-23 describing the nine traits of true Christian character. This first message introduces the series, describing how to have a life that bears the marks of the fruit of the Spirit.

Whatever Is Excellent: Pursuing the Victory for Virtue

February 19, 2012 | Galatians 5 | fruit of the spirit

Pastor Gary Combs continues his War of the Worldviews series with this message on the decline of morality and virtue in today’s culture and more specifically in today’s church. Taken from the book of Galatians, the message teaches how Paul told the Christians in Galatia that the only way to live as a Christian was to “walk in the Spirit” and so bear the “fruit of the Spirit” in their lives. Paul taught that following Christ was more than an outward keeping of the law. Christians are to show forth the character of God. We can allow the Lord to give us these nine marks of authentic Christian character, these nine “virtues,” so that we are like Christ, not just in what we believe, or in what we practice, but in our very nature.

The Mark of Self-Control

November 29, 2009 | 2 Peter 1:1-6 | fruit of the spirit, self-control

Have you ever noticed that self-control is a difficult thing? The more we think about not doing something, the more we want to do it! Biblical self-control is actually power that comes from the Holy Spirit so that our passions and desires are aligned with Christ.

The Mark of Gentleness

November 22, 2009 | Ephesians 4:1-3 | fruit of the spirit, gentleness

Pastor Gary Combs continues his series, “The 9 Marks of Authentic Christians” taken from the passage in Galatians on the fruit of the Spirit. This week he focuses on the mark of gentleness.

The Mark of Faithfulness

November 15, 2009 | Luke 12:42-48 | faithfulness, fruit of the spirit

Pastor Gary Combs continues his series on the fruit of the Spirit taken from Galatians. This week he focuses on the mark of faithfulness.

The Mark of Goodness

November 8, 2009 | Micah 6:6-8 | fruit of the spirit, goodness

Pastor Gary Combs continues his series from Galatians on the Fruit of the Spirit. This message takes a look at the mark of goodness.

The Mark of Kindness

November 1, 2009 | Ephesians 4:29-32 | fruit of the spirit, kindness

Pastor Gary continues his series, “The Nine Marks of Authentic Christians,” taken from the fruit of the Spirit passage found in Galatians.

This message is on kindness and is taken from Ephesians.

The Mark of Patience

October 25, 2009 | Ephesians 4:1-22 | fruit of the spirit, patience

Pastor Gary continues his series from the fruit of the Spirit.

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians he challenged them to live according to what they had received. He told them to “put off the old self” and to “put on the new self.” One of the marks of the new self that he told them to bear was the mark of patience. As Christ followers and as those who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit we can yield our lives to the Spirit’s calling and exhibit the mark of patience.

The Mark of Joy

October 11, 2009 | Philippians 4:1-9 | fruit of the spirit, joy

What is the difference between happiness and joy? How can we pursue the mark of joy? Joy flows from God and we must tap into his river of Joy that is resistant to circumstances, and not dependent on them.