John 10

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“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27)

May 19, 2012

The relationship between the Shepherd and His sheep described. The corollary is also true: Jesus doesn’t “know” those who don’t listen or follow. This is about relationship not religion. Does Jesus “know” you? Do you listen to His voice and follow Him?

“And in that place many believed in Jesus” (John 10:42)

May 19, 2011

In some “places” Jesus was rejected, but in the land where John the Baptist had preached, they believed. I wonder what it is about some “places?” Was it John’s plowing that made them ready to receive Seed? I pray that the “place” we are now will be receptive to the Gospel!

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me” (John 10:14)

May 18, 2011

One of the seven “I am” statements in the gospel of John. Jesus describes the relationship between Himself and His followers as one of “knowing.” This implies intimate, relational knowledge. Christ calls us not to a religion, but to a relationship.