2 Thessalonians

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“So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do” (2 Thessalonians 1:11 NLT)

October 13, 2014

Paul prayed for the persecuted believers in Thessalonica that the God who called them would also “enable” them to live for Him. When we answer God’s call our faith begins to “prompt” us to act. This prompting comes from our new nature in Christ which gives us the will to do good. Yet, this new will power always moves us to attempt things so beyond our ability that we must totally rely on God’s power to accomplish them. The time between the prompting and the accomplishing of God’s call is a time of testing. It is a time when we finally die to self-effort and live to total dependence on God’s enabling power. As the missionary pioneer, William Carey said, “Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.”

“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)

October 14, 2013

A beautiful benediction for today. May God “comfort” (encourage, urge, call) your heart and “establish” (strengthen, plant, to make stand) every “good word” and every “good work” of yours. Now go. Live for Jesus. You have all you need in Him.

“Yet we hear that some of you are living idle lives, refusing to work and meddling in other people’s business. We command such people and urge them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and work to earn their own living” (2 Thessalonians 3:11-12)

October 15, 2012

Paul warned the believers at Thessalonica about wanting to be served when they should be serving others. One of the marks of a gospel movement in a formerly unreached locale is that new believers stop drinking and carousing and go to work, supporting their families and community. This has the effect of cultural lift on an entire city. Christ followers are workers. They are givers, not takers.

“Dear brothers and sisters, we can’t help but thank God for you, because your faith is flourishing and your love for one another is growing” (2 Thessalonians 1:3)

October 13, 2012

Like a tree, the Thessalonian believers were growing, flourishing, … THRIVING! Perhaps it was the persecution that the Thessalonians endured that moved them to grow. In a time and place when being a believer could get you killed, they did more than survive, they thrived. What was their secret? Don’t you want to do more than just get by? To move out of maintenance mode? It’s time to thrive!

“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance” (2 Thessalonians 3:5)

October 15, 2011

A beautiful Trinitarian blessing. May the Spirit, who abides and fills you, direct your hearts to be immersed into God’s love and girded by Christ’s unstoppable perseverance. The 1st-Century Christians had no buildings or institutions, but they had all of God and turned the world upside down!