1 John 3

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“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions” (1 John 3:18 NLT)

December 3, 2014

When we receive Christ, we receive the love of Christ. This is the love that moved Christ to die in our place, so that we might have eternal life. Real love takes action. The evidence that we have received Christ is that the love that goes beyond mere words and takes action is suddenly ours. Christian love communicates itself through word and deed.

Really Loving One Another

April 29, 2012 | 1 John 3:11-24 | exposition

Pastor Gary Combs continues his exposition of 1 John entitled “Authentic Christianity.” This message from 1 John 3 is entitled “Really Loving One Another.” The apostle John taught that authentic Christians will really love one another because the love of Christ abides in them. We can display this mark of authentic Christianity by really loving one another as Christ has loved us. The text gives three proofs for knowing that the agape love of Christ abides in you.

Seeing the Family Resemblance

April 22, 2012 | 1 John 2:28-3:10 | exposition

Pastor Gary Combs continues the series entitled “Authentic Christianity: An Exposition of 1 John.” This message focuses on John’s emphasis of how true Christians will bear the divine family resemblance. John told believers that Authentic Christians are born again and bear the marks of their Heavenly Father, that they practice righteousness and purity, that they are marked by love and hope as they await the return of Christ.