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March 27

14 results found

“Take care lest you forget the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 8:11 ESV)

From: March 27, 2013

The Lord warned the Israelites not to forget Him after they possessed the promised land. As long as they were wandering in the wilderness, they were dependent on God, but soon they would have houses, lands, vineyards, flocks and wealth. Would God’s blessing actually result in them forgetting the One who gave them this bounty? Yes. Within a generation after those who had experienced Egypt and the wilderness had died, they forgot the Lord (read the book of Judges). Can you think of a nation that has experienced more of God’s blessing in modern history than ours? Where is the generation that remembers from where this blessing came? Do you remember?

“Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 8:11)

From: March 27, 2012

In our trouble, we cry out for relief and God blesses. In our blessing, we are tempted to sin and stop praying. How fickle we are. But God loves us enough to discipline us in the wilderness, so that we can be faithful in the promised land. Lord, move us from fickleness to faithfulness.

“Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little” (Luke 7:47)

From: March 27, 2011

Our love for Christ is connected to an awareness of our own sinfulness. As long as one speck of self-righteousness remains in us, love for the Redeemer will be lacking.

“Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD” (Deut.8:3)

From: March 27, 2010

This is a favorite verse of Jesus. He quoted it back to the devil when tempted to turn the stones to bread. Jesus told his disciples that he had food they didn’t know about. He told them “My food is to do the Father’s will.” (John 4). Now that’s a spiritual diet!