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July 6

12 results found

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe” (Psalm 4:8)

From: July 6, 2012

After years of running from Saul and sleeping in caves, David is thankful for a peaceful night’s sleep. Fear and worry can rob us of sleep, but trusting the Lord brings rest. Are you having trouble sleeping? Try reading God’s Word and praying before you turn out the light. Say “Goodnight” to God as you close your eyes and prepare to sleep like a baby.

“How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame?” (Psalm 4:2)

From: July 6, 2011

Of David. We were made to be image-bearers reflecting God’s glory, but our sin has covered us with shame. The only way to exchange these shameful rags is to be clothed with the righteousness of Christ, the very Image of the Invisible God.