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February 26

13 results found

“As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God” (Psalm 42:1-2 ESV)

From: February 26, 2013

David described the longing of his soul for God. The brilliant French physicist and philosopher, Pascal, proposed that such a longing was present in every human heart, saying, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus” (Blaise Pascal, Pensees). People try to fill this longing with other things, which explains the misery of many. But the human soul can only find its fullest satisfaction in Christ.

“If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it” (Mark 8:35)

From: February 26, 2012

What have you given up for the Gospel? Time? Money? These represent symbols of your life, but have you yet bled for it? Most have not. Have you risked anything yet? Stop just hanging on. Give it up for Jesus!

“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it” (Mark 8:35)

From: February 26, 2011

The paradox of playing it safe in life- pursue comfort and self-satisfaction and lose. Choose self-denial and following Christ and live.