“You have already heard about this hope in the message of truth, the gospel that has come to you. It is bearing fruit and growing all over the world, just as it has among you since the day you heard it and recognized God’s grace in the truth” (Colossians 1:5-6 HCSB).


Paul described the “gospel” (“good news”) as being like a plant “bearing fruit and growing” everywhere it went “all over the world.” And what was that fruit? “Changed lives!”
In the next verse, Paul identified the one who had actually carried the Good News to Colossae as Epaphras, one of his beloved co-workers. For although the Gospel has the power to change lives, it does not carry itself. It requires a messenger to deliver it. Or to stick with the metaphor, it requires a planter to spread the gospel seed abroad, trusting the Holy Spirit to cause it to take root and bear fruit in the soil of human hearts.
PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for the Gospel. For we have heard and believed it, and by grace through faith we have been saved. Now empower us to carry the Good News to others, so that it continues going out all over the world. We want to see others experience the life-change that You have brought to us. Thank You for Your wonderful grace! In Jesus’ name, amen.