“Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you” (2 Timothy 4:5b NLT)

Paul gave final instructions to Timothy as he faced the real possibility of execution for preaching the gospel. He wanted Timothy to be unafraid of suffering and willing to work hard for the sake of the Good News. Like a captain issuing orders to one of his men, Paul charged Timothy to “fully carry out” his mission. Notice Paul’s particular language. “Work” – make telling others the Good News about Jesus something you labor at, not just occasionally or accidentally, but with the awareness of one who has been employed by God to do so. “Fully carry out” – don’t balk in the final stretch, but run with all your might across the finish line. Jesus was obedient to “fully carry out” His ministry, even unto the cross. This is our commission too. Finish well. Starting well is good, but finishing well is most important. Are you willing to fully carry out the ministry God has given to you?