“Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power” (Psalm 145:4 NLT).

The psalmist David spoke of the profound job that each generation has to tell its children about God, both His mighty acts and power. The Israelites who took possession of the Promised Land were faithful, but they failed at passing the faith on to their children.

So, the author of the book of Judges observed: “After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10).

Like the passing of the baton in a relay race, each generation must pass the baton of faith to the next. Yet it is up to that generation to take the baton and run with it. Each generation must respond to the gospel for themselves in order to believe and become children of God.

The most important task for every generation is to tell their children of God’s greatest act and expression of His power, namely the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus. For it is in telling this good news to them that they are given the best gift one generation can pass to another.

PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for the faithful generations that went before us that the gospel might be handed down to us. Now empower us to do the same that our children and children’s children might know and follow You. In Jesus’ name, amen.