“This miraculous sign at Cana in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory. And his disciples believed in him” (John 2:11 NLT).


This was the first of seven “signs” that the apostle John recorded in his gospel. John calls them signs and not miracles because signs point to something other than themselves. On a trip a few years ago to see the Grand Canyon, I noticed “Grand Canyon” road signs all along the way as we drove up from Phoenix. Yet, we didn’t travel from NC to AZ to see these signs. We didn’t stop driving until we stood before the Canyon itself! Many during Jesus’ day were attracted to his miracles, but his true disciples saw them as signs that pointed to Him. Jesus turned the water into wine at a wedding in Cana. The master of the feast and the wedding guests were enthralled with the taste of the new wine that Jesus had made, but the disciples were focused on the wine’s Maker. The whole creation is a miraculous sign pointing to the Creator, yet many worship the former without recognizing the latter (Rom. 1:19-25).
PRAYER: Dear Father, the miraculous signs that point to Your Son are in plain view if only we would look with spiritual eyes and hear with spiritual ears. Yet, help us not to seek the signs, but to seek the Savior to whom they point. For Christ alone is worthy of our worship and praise. We focus our hearts and minds on Him today. In Jesus’ name, amen.