“Then the angel said, ‘I am Gabriel! I stand in the very presence of God. It was he who sent me to bring you this good news!'” (Luke 1:19 NLT)

The angel that appeared to Zechariah in the temple and foretold the birth of John the Baptist was no common messenger. He was Gabriel, one of the angelic host that continuously stood in the very presence of God. He did not appreciate the doubtful questioning of old Zechariah. He identified himself, delivered the divine message, and stilled Zechariah’s doubting tongue until it could speak faithfully again. Perhaps Gabriel was surprised by Zechariah’s unbelief since they both had similar jobs. For while Gabriel stood before God’s heavenly throne, Zechariah stood burning incense before God’s presence in His earthly Temple. Yet, there was a curtain in the Temple separating Zechariah from the Holy of Holies, while Gabriel stood in the burning presence of God’s very throne. When Jesus died on the cross, that curtain was torn, so that those who believe on Him may boldly approach God’s throne with all our requests.