“The Spirit of the Lord speaks by me; his word is on my tongue” (2 Samuel 23:2 ESV)

This psalm, which is not included in the Book of Psalms, but only found in 2 Samuel, begins with the prescript, “the last words of David.” In verse two, he states his awareness that the Holy Spirit “speaks” through him. David, at the end of his life, looked back on all that God had done for him, and gave God praise that He had chosen him as a Divine mouthpiece. David praised God that his psalms were inspired by God’s Spirit. David listed many things that he was thankful for as he reflected back on his life, yet chief among them was that God had “raised him up” and “anointed” him as “the sweet psalmist of Israel.” Oh, to have a life known for speaking God’s Word and for one’s final words to be Spirit inspired.