“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14 ESV).

When the disciples asked Jesus to give them details about His second coming and the end of the age, He replied that one of the signs would be that the gospel would be “proclaimed throughout the whole world.” After all, this was the goal of the great commission given by Jesus to His disciples that they were to “make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19). So this task was to be finished before His return.

The Greek word translated “nations” is ἔθνος (“ethnos”). In other words, people of every ethnicity, of every race, culture, and language were to hear the gospel proclaimed before the end would come. So how close are we to this goal?

According to Wycliffe Bible Translators, 1 in 5 people worldwide still don’t have the Bible translated in their heart language. That’s around 1.5 billion people. And according to the Joshua Project, 42% of the world’s people groups are still unreached. Most of these are in the 10/40 window.

So there are still “ethnos” who have not heard the gospel. What God once asked of Isaiah, He now asks of us, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” (Isa.6:8). Will you answer God’s calling to proclaim the gospel to those who have never heard?

PRAYER: Dear Father, we hear Your calling. Strengthen us to pray, to give, and to go as You lead us. We are Your people and You have called us to proclaim the gospel to all nations. May we see this goal accomplished in our lifetime. In Jesus’ name, amen.