“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him” (Psalm 24:1 NLT).


This Davidic psalm begins with an announcement of God’s ownership of everything and everyone. Believing that God is owner and that we are stewards, servants of God caring for His creation, is a life-changing principle. Many Christians claim to believe this, yet they behave as if their stuff is really “their” stuff.
One of the great sins of Christians in America is the idolatry of materialism. Our happiness is attached to our possessions. This is the sin of greed. Always wanting more and never being content with what we have.
What is the antidote? Giving. Live a life of the open hand, tithing from your first fruits and giving sacrificially to any need that the Spirit shows you. In this way, you acknowledge God’s ownership and your stewardship.
PRAYER: Dear Father, we acknowledge You as Creator and Owner of all things. We are Yours. And through faith in Jesus, You are ours. Empower us to live as faithful stewards with that you have entrusted to us until Your Son’s return. In Jesus’ name, amen.