‘And Jesus stopped and commanded him to be brought to him. And when he came near, he asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” He said, “Lord, let me recover my sight”’ (Luke 18:41 ESV).

When a blind man begging on the roadside near Jericho heard that Jesus was passing by, he cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” When Jesus heard him, he commanded that the blind man be brought to Him. Jesus asked, “What do you want Me to do for you?”

Why would Jesus ask this? Couldn’t He tell that the man was blind? Wasn’t the blind man’s need obvious? Yet, Jesus insisted on having the blind man give a specific request. When the man responded that he wanted to receive his sight, the Lord healed him, commending his faith.

The currency of the kingdom is asking. “Ask, seek, knock” (Matt. 7:7-12), this is the teaching of Jesus. Asking the Lord in prayer is an exercise of our faith. Do you have the faith to ask God for help? Get specific with God. Ask.

PRAYER: Dear Father, have mercy on us. Bend your ear to us and hear our prayer. We are Your children and we put our great expectation upon You. Where we are hurting, heal us. Where we are anxious, give us Your peace. Where we are striving, give us rest. Where we are forgetful, remind us. Where we are selfish and blind, open our eyes. We ask in Jesus’ name, amen.