“Suddenly, they saw the fingers of a human hand writing on the plaster wall of the king’s palace, near the lampstand. The king himself saw the hand as it wrote, and his face turned pale with fright” (Daniel 5:5-6 NLT).


King Belshazzar of Babylon gave orders to bring the gold and silver vessels from the treasury that his predecessor, Nebuchadnezzar, had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem. He and his nobles partied, praising the gods of silver and gold as they drank from Jerusalem’s Temple goblets. It was at that moment that a disembodied hand appeared, writing on the wall. The drunken king was immediately sober with fear. The prophet Daniel was summoned to read the unreadable script, which warned Belshazzer of his imminent demise.

Daniel reminded the king that he had witnessed the humbling of his forebearer, Nebuchadnezzar, yet he had not humbled himself before God. Instead, he had proudly defied the Lord, even drinking from the sacred cups.

This was not Belshazzer’s first warning. He had surely heard the testimony of Nebuchadnezzar concerning the greatness and righteousness of God. Yet, he did not repent. He should have known what was in store for him. Especially, after he saw the “writing on the wall.”

Thus, we have the saying to this day, He should’ve seen the “writing on the wall.” In other words, Belshazzar knew better. He knew about the Lord, yet failed to honor Him.

I wonder. What will it take for the people of the world today to see the writing on the wall?

PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, we give You thanks this day for all of Your many blessings. For You are full of grace and love toward us, withholding no good thing, but always giving us what we need to live for You. Yet, we see the human pride and rebellion in our world today against You. Bring revival to our land and give us a holy boldness to speak Your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.