‘Then the Lord asked him, “What is that in your hand?”’ (Exodus 4:2 NLT).


When Moses made excuses about his inability to answer God’s call to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, God asked, “What’s in your hand?” Moses replied dismissively, “A rod” (A shepherd’s staff). It was not a sword to fight with, nor a priceless object to barter, but a piece of well-worn wood used in the daily work of a shepherd. Moses had spent the first 40 years of his life as a prince. He attempted to free his people in his own strength and became a murderer instead. Then, Moses spent the next 40 years hiding in the wilderness, working as a simple shepherd of sheep. God couldn’t use a proud prince, but a humble shepherd might be just the man for the job. God chose a humble shepherd like old Moses to lead His people to freedom. And as it turned out, the last 40 years shepherding weren’t a waste. God wanted to use the very thing Moses had in his hand.
As the Lord Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes that the little boy gave to feed 5,000, so He wants to multiply your offering. What’s that in your hand? Have you considered using it for God?
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we offer all that we are and all that we have to You. The thing we have in our hands seems small, but in Your hands anything is possible. Take our offering and multiply it to Your kingdom and to Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.