“So Peter went out and wept bitterly” (Luke 22:62 NKJV)

Peter was overcome with grief when he denied Christ three times just as Christ had predicted. Peter, the “Rock,” had crumbled. And to make matters worse, he had made eye contact with Jesus in the moment the rooster crowed. This was the last time Peter saw Jesus until His resurrection. He did not witness His trial before Pilate, nor His crucifixion. Peter was a castaway, drowning in his own misery, beyond comfort. Yet, Jesus had prayed for Peter. He knew that Peter was about to enter a dark night of the soul. “When you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.” Jesus had said (32). And Peter did return. “Do you love Me?” Jesus asked three times, restoring him to Himself. “Yes Lord, You know all things. You know that I love You.” Peter responded (John 21:17).
Have you strayed from the Lord? Return to Him. For Jesus has already prayed for you.