“Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die” (Proverbs 31:8 NKJV).


Throughout history there have been those who have been sentenced to death without someone to speak for them. Often it was the poor who couldn’t afford council or the widow or orphan who had no rights. Yet today in our nation, the greatest tragedy has been the unborn who have been sentenced to die without a voice.
Since Roe V. Wade was decided in the Supreme Court in 1973, over 60 million babies have been aborted. That’s 20% of the US population! To get a sense of the size of this, one would have to imagine that 10 states in the Southeastern US fell into the ocean drowning the entire population. How many future poets and physicians were lost? How many future geniuses and dreamers never came to be? How many songs and scientific discoveries have been denied to us?
How many? Over 60 million possibilities.
What kind of a people, what kind of a nation would sacrifice its children on the altar of so-called sexual freedom? Are we any different from the ancient Canaanites who offered their children to Molech? For just as God warned Israel not to “hide their eyes” from those who give their children to Molech, so I believe He warns us (See Lev. 20:1-5).
And let us not hide our eyes from the terrible and lasting effect that abortion has on the mothers and even the fathers that have made such a tragic decision. They need to hear the message of love and forgiveness that is only found in the gospel of Christ. Who will tell them?
Who will speak out for the speechless?
PRAYER: Dear Father, forgive us for the murder of our unborn. For when we have remained silent or hidden our eyes, we have become as accomplices. Bring our nation to repentance. Bring revival. And forgive us for being silent wherever the speechless cannot defend themselves. For You are a Defender of the poor and the weak, the fatherless and the widow. Strengthen us to speak out for them. In Jesus’ name, amen.