“One of the things I always pray for is the opportunity, God willing, to come at last to see you” (Romans 1:10 NLT).


Towards the end of 57 AD, on his third missionary journey, Paul penned this letter to the believers in Rome while he was working in Corinth. He probably heard about the believers in Rome from his new friends, Aquila and Priscilla, who had been deported with other Jews by Claudius Caesar (See Acts 18:2). In the letter, he expressed his heartfelt prayer that God might allow him to preach the gospel in Rome, so that he might have “some fruit” (Rom. 1:13) among them as he had in other Gentile cities.

Some three to four years later, Paul’s prayer was answered. Although, it probably wasn’t answered in the way he had visualized, it was answered none the less. For Paul’s journey to Rome was filled with storms, shipwreck, snakebite, and imprisonment. Yet, he spent two years from 61 to 63 AD in Rome under house arrest, but with unhindered freedom (See Acts 28:31) to preach the gospel to all. God gave him the opportunity he had prayed for.

How do you pray? Do you ask the Lord to give you opportunity to share the gospel with others? Try it today. And keep your eyes open. For the opportunity may not appear as you thought it would.

PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for giving us this calling to proclaim the good news of Jesus. Give us opportunity today to declare Your love. Open our eyes that we might see the opportunities when they appear. In Jesus’ name, amen.