“He reached down from heaven and rescued me; he drew me out of deep waters” (Psalm 18:16 NLT).

David wrote this psalm to the Lord during the time when God had delivered him from the hand of Saul and his enemies. He felt like a drowning man that God had reached down and rescued.

Have you ever felt like David? The circumstances of life so overwhelming as to make you feel like you’re drowning? Why not look up and call out to the One who loves you? His name is Jesus and He is ready to rescue you and set your feet on solid ground.

I grew up singing a song in church that describes how the love of Christ will lift you up. Maybe you’ll recognize it:

“I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore.
Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more.
But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry.
From the waters lifted me now safe am I.
Love lifted me. Love lifted me.
When nothing else could help. Love lifted me”
(Love Lifted Me, James Rowe, 1912).

PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for reaching down and saving us. Yet some are still drowning. Strengthen us to show them Your love that they might call out to Jesus for rescue. In Jesus’ name, amen.