“It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens” (Jeremiah 51:15 ESV)

In the midst of God’s revelation to the prophet Jeremiah of Babylon’s future destruction, He revealed yet more of Himself. God is not just a local god, standing watch over little Jerusalem. No, He is the God over all creation. He is the omnipotent One who not only created the earth but the whole universe with divine understanding, so that even the stars are ordered according to His will. And not only has He created all, but with His omniscient wisdom, He sustains all. Our God is both Creator and Sustainer, holding everything together. The Lord expanded Jeremiah’s understanding of Himself, so that he might worship and trust Him more fully. Those who realize both the size of the universe and this revelation of God’s great power and wisdom are able to lift their eyes from their tiny perspective and trust in this great God.