“In visions of God He took me to the land of Israel and set me down on a very high mountain. On its southern slope was a structure resembling a city” (Ezekiel 40:2 HCSB).


God gave Ezekiel a vision of a new temple in Jerusalem. The description is very detailed, so much so, that it is clear that it doesn’t describe Solomon’s temple from previous days, nor Zerubbabel’s or Herod’s in days after. Ezekiel’s temple has yet to be built.
Those who read this vision metaphorically see a spiritual picture of the Church. Those who read this literally, see the description as being too detailed and specifically connected to the geography of Israel to be taken metaphorically. They see it as the temple that will be built during the millennial reign of Christ.
Ezekiel’s temple vision is a mystery and difficult to understand, yet it is filled with beauty and hope for the future. This hope is not in a temple made with human hands, but in the God who gives such visions and fulfills all of His promises. “For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding ‘Yes!'” (2 Cor. 1:20).
One day we will understand Ezekiel’s temple vision as the Lord Jesus will give us full understanding. In the meantime, we are filled with hope and expectation of His soon return.
PRAYER: Dear Father, You have given us understanding of many things, yet some things You have revealed still remain a mystery to us. We look into them and know them partially, but await the day when we will know fully. For You have given us all things through faith in Christ Jesus. In His precious name we pray, amen.