“In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing; My soul refused to be comforted” (Psalm 77:2 NKJV).


When do you seek the Lord? The psalmist spoke of a day when he “sought the Lord” as a “day of my trouble.” He described his trouble sleeping and the state of his soul which seemed beyond comfort and encouragement. On such a day, he “cried out to God” (v.1).
Most of us have experienced such a day. But have you yet learned to seek God on a good day?
PRAYER: Dear Father, we confess that we rarely seek You unless we are in trouble. We only come to You when we are in need. You are faithful to hear us at such times, but we desire to learn to pray without ceasing, always talking to You and listening for Your voice. Not only on days of trouble, but on days of celebration too. In Jesus’ name, amen.