“How foolish can you be? After starting your new lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?” (Galatians 3:3 NLT).


The apostle Paul warned the believers in Galatia not to foolishly give up their freedom in Christ to be entangled once again under a yoke of slavery to religious rule-keeping. For since we are saved by faith, we must live and walk by faith. Self-effort neither saves nor sanctifies. We must learn to lean, being filled with the Spirit, we depend on Him for power and progress. When we attempt to be self-justifiers, we lose the joy of the Lord and we groan when suffering comes our way. For we worry that trouble has come due to some failure on our part, or that God is punishing us.

Yet, those who live by faith in Jesus, depending on the Spirit for strength, are able to rejoice in the midst of their sufferings (Rom.5:3). For living by faith we know that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:1). More than that, we know that if we “count it all joy” (James 1:2), God will cause it to produce in us perseverance, character, hope and other godly attributes as we are being conformed to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29). Therefore, let us live and walk in the Spirit.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we rejoice in our justification by faith in Jesus Christ. We even rejoice in our sufferings now that we know that You will not withhold any good thing from us as Your very children. You only always want what is best for us. This fills us with unconquerable joy! Now, fill us afresh today with Your Holy Spirit that we might joyfully live for You all day long! In Jesus’ name, amen.