“He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22 NKJV).


Marriage was God’s idea. It is not a mere social construct, but a Divine creation. It is God’s provision for man’s need for companionship and oneness. This oneness is three-dimensional, involving the physical, the soul and the spirit. It is also God’s plan for having children and parenting. The Bible opens and closes with a wedding and God is intimately involved in both. This proverb describes God’s favor in the finding of a good wife. She is to be treasured and received as a gift from God. When a husband and wife view one another as a gift from God to be received and cherished, they begin to experience the oneness that He intended.
I am a man who has obtained God’s favor. Her name is Robin. And she is the greatest gift other than Jesus that God has given me.
PRAYER: Dear Father, we are thankful that You have not only provided a family for us on earth, but through Jesus, You have adopted us into Your heavenly family. Such favor, such grace, is beyond understanding. Help us to show those far from You the beauty of being in Your family. In Jesus’ name, amen.