‘He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?”’ (John 21:17 NKJV)

After Jesus’ resurrection he appeared to his disciples many times. On one occasion he asked Peter three times whether he loved him. Certainly this was connected to Peter’s denying Jesus three times before his crucifixion. In this manner Jesus helped restore their relationship, giving Peter the opportunity to renew his pledge of love, even reminding him of his earlier promise that he was willing to die for Jesus. When we make a commitment to Jesus, as Peter learned, he helps us to keep it. Jesus loved us first and it is His love that enables us to commit to love him back. Coincidently, this OYB reading falls on June 2nd, my wedding anniversary. On this day 36 years ago, Robin and I committed to love one another until death do us part. The Lord has blessed us by helping us keep that commitment to Him and to one another, and to grow even more in love as the years have passed. Jesus still asks His followers, “Do you love me?” It’s a question of relationship, not religion. It’s an invitation to commit your life to the One who is Love itself.