“God replied to Moses, ‘I Am Who I Am. Say this to the people of Israel: I Am has sent me to you.’ God also said to Moses, ‘Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh, the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you. This is my eternal name, my name to remember for all generations'” (Exodus 3:14-15)

God revealed His Name to Moses at the burning bush. The Name was so holy to the Jews that they didn’t say it aloud. In the Hebrew Bible it was written YHWH but they said “Adonai” (Lord) when reading. The four-letter Name was called the “tetragrammaton” and was probably pronounced “Yahweh.” English speaking Jews today will often write the Name like “G-d” to continue their tradition of respect. Notice that God’s Name is “I AM,” not “I WAS,” or “I WILL BE.” His Name reveals that He is eternally present, outside of time, and self-existent. God introduced Himself to Moses through a burning bush. Today, He introduces Himself to us through His Son, Jesus.