“For we live by believing and not by seeing” (2 Corinthians 5:7 NLT).


Presently, we go through life believing in our risen Lord without actually seeing Him. Yet our faith is not without foundation. We believe because of at least three witnesses: 1) the witness of the Bible, 2) the witness of the saints who have passed the faith down to us, and 3) the inner witness of the Spirit of adoption that lives within us, who causes us to cry out, “Abba, Father” to our God.

Our faith is by God’s grace and not our sight. The world says seeing is believing. However, Jesus said to Thomas, “You have believed because you have seen, but blessed are those who have not seen, yet have believed” (John 20:29). We believe in the risen Lord. He is the Head of His body, the Church. And so, we believe that just as the Head was raised, so shall the body be raised. The same God who raised Jesus from the dead, will raise us. We live by this faith, even though our eyes have not yet seen its fulfillment.

As the fourth verse of that beloved hymn, “It Is Well,” reminds us:
“And Lord haste the day
when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound,
and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.”

PRAYER: Dear Father, until that day when our faith shall be sight, we trust in Your Word and in Your Spirit. We know that we know. May our faith in You increase as we lift our eyes from this world to the face of Your Son, Jesus. In His name we pray, amen.