“For the dedication of the new wall of Jerusalem, the Levites throughout the land were asked to come to Jerusalem to assist in the ceremonies. They were to take part in the joyous occasion with their songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps, and lyres” (Nehemiah 12:27 NLT)

Nehemiah organized the Levite singers and musicians into two groups and had them march along the top of the newly restored wall, singing and playing as they went. After circling the entire city of Jerusalem, the two choirs converged onto the Temple courts still singing and playing loudly. The sound of their joyous celebration could be heard from far away. Can you imagine being among that happy throng as they filled the air with praise? When a work is finished, celebration is in order. For us, Christ has finished the work of salvation and our entire lives should be marked by worship and praise. Let our celebration of God’s Son be heard among the nations!