“Did God really say…?” (Genesis 3:1 NLT).


The first temptation by the serpent was to question God’s Word. Not to understand it, but to challenge its veracity. Notice Satan’s use of the word, “really.” He did not ask, “Did God say?” He asked did God “reeeally” say. By inserting this one little word he planted a seed of doubt in Eve’s mind. His evil strategy hasn’t changed. Satan still tempts people to question the truth of God’s Word.
To be clear though, is it wrong to ask questions of God’s Word? No, not if our purpose is to ask questions for understanding. Indeed, it’s important to come to the Bible with a journalist’s tools, asking, “who, what, when, where, and how” questions of the text for deeper understanding. Even asking “why” questions, though they are usually more difficult to hear or discover an answer to. But let us not question the truth of God’s Word. For that leads to death, as our first parents soon learned.
PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for Your Word. We want to read it everyday and learn how You want us to live. We ask questions of it for deeper understanding, but we do not question its truth. Fill us afresh with Your Spirit that we might know and understand Your Word. And even more, that we might obey it. In Jesus’ name, amen.