“David then went to live in the strongholds of En-gedi” (1 Samuel 23:29 NLT).


David fled from King Saul to live in the Judean wilderness of En Gedi, which provided both caves to live in and springs from which to drink. God provided for David in the wilderness. And although it was a very difficult time, it was also a time of deep spiritual growth and preparation for David as the future king. Many of David’s psalms were written during this time.
En Gedi is situated near the Western border of the Dead Sea. It’s cliffs, caves and springs continue to be home to the Nubian Ibex, a type of mountain goat from which the area gets its name “En Gedi,” which means “spring of the young goat.” It is an oasis in an otherwise desolate wilderness.
Has the Lord ever allowed you a season in the wilderness for spiritual preparation? Did you learn to trust His provision during these desolate times? Even Jesus was led by the Spirit for forty days in the wilderness before beginning His public ministry. God often uses wilderness experiences to teach us to trust His provision and to prepare us for ministry.
PRAYER: Dear Father, we would not willingly choose to live in the wilderness, yet You sometimes lead us there for our sanctification. Thank you that even in the wilderness You are an Oasis of provision for us. We thank you that You are at work in us conforming us to the image of Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen.