“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 HCSB).


The greatest invitation in human history was offered by Jesus. Not an invitation to come to a party, but to a Person. Not an invitation to a religion, but to a relationship. Yet, this invitation is only to those who are “weary and burdened.” For only those that admit being sinners, will hear this invitation of the Savior.
“Are you weak and heavy-laden, cumbered with a load of care?” Then answer the Lord’s invitation. Take your weariness and care to Jesus. And exchange it for His rest. You will find a solace there.
PRAYER: Dear Father, how often we try to carry burdens and cares that You have offered to bear for us. We exhaust ourselves trying to take Your place. Today, we hear afresh Your Son’s invitation to come to Him. And so we do. We come to Jesus with our burdens and cares and we exchange them for Your rest, Your sabbath. In Jesus’ name, amen.